Saturday 23 July 2016

The House of Silk by Anthony Horowitz

I read this July 2016.  I had wanted to rad it before but hadn't got round to buying it.  I saw it in a charty shop and couldn't resist.
This is a new Sherlock Holmes novel and written very much in the ACD style.  It is longer than ACD and all the better for it.  The plot is multifaceted.  The Characters we already know.  The plot goes form Boston to Wimbledon to Baker Street and also sees Sherlock in jail!
I really liked this one, more than the ACD one's I've read.

Monday 18 July 2016

Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig

I read this July 2016 as it was the August book for the Regency Book Club.

This is a nn- fiction book about Matt's journey through depression.
Very quick to read, not at all 'text bookish' and very informative. 
I enjoyed this very much

Landed by Tim Pears

I read this July 2016, I found it in a charity shop.

The story of Owen Wood a man who lost his arm in a car accident that killed his young daughter.  I story of love, loneliness, loss and Phantom limb Pain.  Beautifully written, not sentimental, a life / lives ruined and tossed to the four winds... The journey with his children at the end is so evokative.

I really liked this and would recommend it.

Saturday 9 July 2016

City of Lies By R.J. Ellory

I read this book in July 2016
I had really enjoyed reading ' A quiet belief in Angels' so was interested to read another by this author.  Although not a good, in my opinion, as AQBIA, this book had it's merits.  Fast paced and full of intriege  .  John Harper is in hs 30's when he finds out that the fater he belived to be long dad, has been shot in a robbery and is indeed still alive, if mayeb not for long.  He leaves his journalist post in the Florida Keys to return to his childhood home of New York to find nothing is how he thought it was, and that his father is a gang boss.  Would make and excellent film

Air & Angels by Susan Hill

I read this July 2016.  I found a copy in a charity shop.  It was published in 1991, it was a wonder I hadn't come across it before.  I like Susan Hill books in general and this one did not disappoint.  Beautifully written it criss crosses lives in Britain and India as well as the lives of the young and the old and the middle aged, I'm guessing late 19th early 20th century.  Thomas is a respected , middle aged, Academic set to become Master at  his Cambridge College.  The arrival in his life of love for the first time, is unfortunately for him in the form of a 15 year old girl, Kitty, sent home to be educated from India.
A beautifully, soleful book, showing the intertwining of so many lives and the consequences of actions, taken or not taken.

Another enjoyable (though sad and mournful ) read