Friday 24 May 2013

One Night by Debbie Macomber

I read this May 2013
Because I wanted something quick and easy to read while on holiday an it was on the bookshelf at the condo left by one of our guests.
It's a sort of Mills and Boon type novel, but with a twist and crime story running through the love story.  It was written sometime ago and updated.
I got what I wanted a relaxing holiday read...


Thursday 23 May 2013

The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes

I read this May 2013
I had seen it in Waterstones and bought it with Rosie at Book Club. 
It was the winner of the 2011 Man Booker Proze.
A beautifully written book about first love and how things pan out over the hero's life. Very ordinary, very extraodinary and very believeable.
I really enjoyed this book and will read if again, I'm sure.

Murder on the Thirty-first Floor by Per Wahloo

I read this May 2013

I bought this on impulse at the counter in Waterstones...

Billed as the Godfather of Scandinavian crime fiction

This is set in an unnamed country, city and time.
A bit Brave New World/ 1984 ish...but a crime thriller.
I was amazed at how modern it seemed, a potentail terrist bomb in a skyscraper. The Media owned by a Monopoly...The only things that date it are the use of typewriters, no computers and landline telephones.  But very readable and enjoyable... in so many ways actually ahead of it's time.
