Wednesday 1 June 2011

All Quiet on the Western Front By Remarque

This World Book Night copy was passed onto me. I thought I had read tis when I was younger but the minute I started it I knew I hadn't. It's written from the point of view of a froup of young german schoolboys who sign on to fight in WWI. The descriptions and emotions are a joy to read even though the subject matter is so awful. These boys have nothing to go back to no school, no jobs, no wives or girlfriends. They are forced to grow up so quickly and so violently.

A must read
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Special by Bella Bathurst

I read this book in May 2011

It has been on my books to read shelf for at least 12 months and I can't remember when, where or why I bought it. My guess it was in a sale, either at a collectables market or somewhere, as it has no store marks.

Anyhow let's leave that mystery unsolved shall we - the plot - a group of teenage girls are taken on an activities break after their exams and before end of term. Being teenage girls they are more interested in boys, absconding, smoking, drinking and their bodies. Full of teenage angst, do we ever grow out of it?

darkly entertaining, worth a read


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