Sunday 5 April 2015

The End of Mr Y by Scalett Thomas

I read this Summer 2015
A novel in the Magical Realism genre.  Ariel finds a cpy of the End of Mr Y in a secondhand book shop, wriiten by a Victorian Scientist it's a novel of timetravel, and adventure.  I love this genre and really liked this book.

If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things by Jon McGregor

I read this April 2015
It was a Waterstones Book Club choice.
I was rather glad this was chosen as I read it some years ago and had really enjoyed it.
It is written in a very visual style, you can 'see' the whole thing.
It centers on one street and one day and the events leading up to the 'main event' you get to empathise with all the various characters, residents and visitors to the street.  You feel the heat of the day, the coming of the storm and the impending disaster...
I thoroughly enjoyed rereading this book

Strength in What Remains by Tracy Kidder

I read this March 2015

I picked this up when Borders in USA closed,so I have had it for quite a while
This is a biography of Deo a young man from Burundi,escaping the horrors of war an travelling through Rwanda.  He manages to get to New York.  He had previously been a medical student, but had to take the most menial jobs in the States.  He is befriended by a couple who pay for his medical education.  The author follows him back to Burundi and tells of all his family's troubles and Deo's attempts to build a medical centre.
I didn't really warm to this book at first but once I did and got into the style I was really captured by the story and enjoyed it.

The Watcher in the Shadows by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

I read this in March 2015
I had previously read The Shadow of the Wind.
A cross over book, suitable for lots of different ages. A toymaker lives a recluse in an old mansion surrounded by his puppets and autometa .  A powerful but easy to read novel

I really enjoyed this book

Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keys

I read this March 2015
It was on my 'guilty shelf ' for a long while!
I think it had been recommended by my friend Louise.

This was a complete surprise! I don't really know what it was about before I took it down off the shelf, but it's a Sci Fi Masterwork...

It's about a boy/man of low intelligence who has an operation which makes him super intelligent... what a journey.  Brilliant book