Wednesday 31 July 2013

The Winter Ghosts by Kate Mosse

I read this in July 2013

It was on the charity bookshelf at work and it had been recommended by a friend.  I have read other Kate Mosse books before, this one was very easy to read, another story across time.  This time a young man recovering for a breakdown after his brother is killed in the First World War, travells through France and comes upon ghosts form teh Cather region.
I liked his book very much


The Savage Garden by Mark Mills

I read this in July 2013

I had this on my 'guilty shelf ' for a long time.  Sorry I hadn't ha time to  read it before - it's a good book for bedtime.  Light easy to read but with a good strong plot running through it.  Intrigue modern and in the past, family secrets.  A young researcher goes off to Italy and stumbles upon a the secret in the creation of a memorial garden.
Very enjoyable

Mourning Ruby by Helen Dunsmore

I read this July 2013
I bought it from the charity bookshelf at work as I have read others of hers.
This is a fascinating story of a women who losses her daughter, Ruby.  She herself had been abandoned in a shoebox as a baby.  A good psychological read.
