Friday 27 January 2012

Ghost Hunter by Michelle Paver

I read this: January 2012
The last in the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness of which I have read all but the first 2.
A children's book, I think aimed at tenns, a very good, enjoyable read and this adventure sees Renn and Torak in their late teens battling demons and spirits.
Well written and beautifully illustrated.

Have you read this or any of her others? what did you think of them?
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Monday 23 January 2012

Outcast by Michelle Paver

I read this: January 2012
I have read some others in this series (see other Michelle Paver posts) this one sees Torak outcast from the clans. A tale of friendship and the need to belong.
A good read - aimed at teens, but enjoyable for adults
Have you read this? or any of her others?
let me know what you think

Saturday 21 January 2012

Soul Eater by Michelle Paver

I read this: January 2012
Why: I had read the Oath Breaker and dark Matter by the same author and enjoyed them
Synopsis: The third in the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series (I'm not reading them in order!) Set in the Ice Age, they track a young girl and boy and wolf.
What I thought: As with Oath Breaker I really enjoyed the style of the book, even though they are aimed at young teenagers they are still a good read. I like the story itself as well as the way they are told. I especially like the why we hear form Wolf who called the hero and heroine Pack-brother and pack sister and humans as tall tailless.
Have you read this? or any of her others?
What did you think of them
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How It All Began by Penelope Lively

I read this: January 2012
Why: recommended and lent to me by Rosie P at Creative Writing Group
A tale of how one event leads onto another, a story of coincidences, families, affairs and how things all interact with one another.
What I thought of it: I must say if I saw this book in a shop I would not have bought it, the cover shouts 'nothing for you here, Helen' but Rosie made such a good job explaining the plot, how it all worked together and how much she had enjoyed it, I thought I would give it a go. How pleased I was, a delightful book, full of plot twists, but in a very real setting. Full of characters I didn't like, but came to over the course of the reading.
I sometimes 'hear' a narrators voice in my head and this one was most definitely, Sheila Hancock, her voice and style suited it perfectly. I did get a but bogged down in the middle, but that often happens to me (one of the reasons I read lots of books at once) but overall a good, enjoyable read to start off the New Year
Have you read it? or any others of her's? What did you think of it?
let me know

Thursday 12 January 2012

Dr Zhivago by Boris Pasternak (Spoken Word)

I Listened to this : January etc (finished in Jan/listened over several months in the kitchen)
Why: I bought this on tape as I knew I would never get round to reading it.
I found this a good story but even as spoken word I had trouble getting through it.
A Classic, but I found it over long
Have you read this or listened to it?
what did you think of it?
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Death in the Latin Quarter by Raphael Cardetti

I read this: January 2012
Why: I borrowed this from the bookshelves at work
An easy read, a detective story, Quite like The De Vinci Code - well along those lines. Am Academic commits suicide, a restorer is asked to restore an antique text, murder, intrigue etc.
An OK read, light and easy


Have you read it?
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When God was a Rabbit by Sarah Winman

I read this January 2012
Why: Because this had come up as a suggested read at book club a few times and I quite fancied reading it.
I received an Amazon voucher form Lynn at Christmas, so this was my first purchase via amazon onto my phone. I must say I enjoy reading on my phone, it's so convenient.

What I thought of it: I enjoyed this book, a story of family love, friendships, loss and regain. I liked the way it was written, very modern with a modern setting. Historical events set it in time and place. Very good, but one very small thing - I felt it was all a bit to 'tidy' at the end, life isn't tidy...
But I liked it - a good read


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What did you think of it?
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