Sunday 20 November 2011

Dark Matter By Michelle Paver

I read this November 2011
Why: Waterstone's book club read for December
what I thought of it: one word - Haunting
Michelle Paver has written children's books before. Tis one set against the backdrop of the high Arctic, 1930's just before WWII a haunting ghostly tale.
I liked the easy way it was written, without too much technical content just for the sake of adding it in. Human (and not so human) emotions - a scary presence on the ice.
The portrayals of the dogs were very similar to Call of the Wild.
I also liked the ending, very non traditional ghost story ending.
I would like to read more of Michelle's work and have got a copy of Oath Breaker to read
Have you read dark Matter? what did you think of it?
Let me know

Call of the Wild By Jack London

I read this November 2011
Why: because it was a free download and something I have never got round to reading
This was the third book I've read as an e-book on my mobile phone. As I read several books at once this is a really easy way for me to read while I'm out and/or travelling.
what I thought: I wish I had read this book before, it is really good, compelling and really well constructed. Written as a story oif the dog, Buck and his adventures/journeys through his life. I really did enjoy this one
Have you read it? What did you think of it? What do you think of e-books, I love the medium, and I also love the feel, smell and look for paper books - I was a bookbinder at the British Museum and used to handle Illuminated manuscipts. I am used to handling beautiful books, but I do like the modern way of reading as well..


Thursday 3 November 2011

Matrimony by Joshua Henkin

I read this November 2011
Why: I bought this book in America when Borders was closing. Along with quite a few others which I leave in my condo for visitors.
A book about a writer (how many of those are there, in comparison to how many authors there are in the general population?) his time at college, his life and marriage.
A good holiday read, light and entertaining, some lovely passages and moves along apace.
Have you read this book? What did you think of it?

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

I read this October 2011
Why : because I was going to see the film
What I thought:
I downloaded this onto my phone, and read it at every occasion I could. I started off quite enjoying it after all it is a good story and a Gothic genre novel so up my street, but I must say by about 1/3 of the way in I was struggling with it, I found it over wordy, boring and laborious. I had read it at school (many years ago) and I truly think the Brontes and other female authors of the 'classics' ws the main reason for me avoiding women authors for many years once I could pick my own reading material...too drab, homely, little girl lost , woe is me.

I thought I would enjy this but it was a drag.. shame

have you read it?
Tell me what you thought of it.